Timely and Efficient Birth

In order for labor to begin, the baby produces a hormone that interacts with the mother’s hormones leading to contractions starting. It is likely the baby’s head coming down on the cervix releases hormones that also cause the cervix to soften, thin, and open leading to active labor. The mother and baby together initiate labor. 

Because of our modern lifestyles, including driving, sitting, and not squatting most of the day, our baby’s heads do not come down on the cervix frequently or consistently. This often leads modern day mothers to go over due and have long early labor stages. This means they may take an extended period of time to reach 5-6cm, sometimes 24-72 hours of contractions. This can be exhausting and lead to transport to the hospital because the mother has not slept in such a long time that she is unable to have the strength to push out her baby.

Ideally, we would all have an active pregnancy, squat throughout the day, and be at least 4-5cm dilated before labor begins. The following herbal labor preparation options are recommended as they help the cervix to soften and efface before labor, more similar to our mother’s in the past who lead more active lifestyles. Imagine if we squatted by a fire and to use the bathroom every day, the baby’s head would stimulate the cervix and release prostaglandins which would lead the cervix to change sooner. 

This is especially important in the following situations as women with any of these factors are more likely to have a long early labor and go over due:

  • This is your first baby

  • You are having a vaginal birth after having had a caesarean section

  • You have cervical scarring

  • You have used chemical contraceptives for several years before this pregnancy

  • You have anovulatory cycles

  • You used assisted reproductive technology to achieve this pregnancy

Timely and Efficient Birth Regimen starting at 36 weeks of pregnancy:

  • GLA* is gamma-linolenic acid which is a prostaglandin precursor and helps to soften the cervix. This works better than evening primrose oil. If it is your first baby, take at a dose of 3 capsules every day. If second or subsequent baby, 2 capsule per day. If history of mood disorder, 3 capsules per day. If you have a history of a precipitous birth, 1 capsule per day.

    • If you are planning a VBAC and reached 2-3cm with your previous pregnancy, do 2 capsules per day. If you reached 7-8cm with your previous pregnancy, then do 1 capsule per day. If you did not dilate at all with your previous pregnancy, 3 capsules per day.

Benefits of the Timely and Efficient Birth Regimen:

  • Shortened length of overall labor

  • Shortened early labor

  • Less likelihood of transport for maternal exhaustion

  • Less likelihood of fetal distress due to long labor

  • Reduced likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage from long labor and transport due to excessive postpartum hemorrhage

If you are not experiencing even painless uterine contractions (Braxton Hicks) or mild cramping by 36 weeks, a slightly stronger regimen may be indicated. Talk to your midwife if you are not experiencing anything by 36 weeks.

It is normal and advisable for couples to continue with regular sexual intercourse throughout pregnancy. Prostaglandin precursors in semen and natural oxytocin released, in addition to emotional reason factors, can also contribute to a timely birth.

If you have already had at least one vaginal birth without complications, consider one of the following options:

  • Uterine Toner by Last Frontier Midwifery

    • This formula is wonderful for increasing the amount of dilation and effacement before labor, shortening length of labor, and reducing the likelihood of excessive bleeding after the birth.

  • Ripen by Midwife Brews

    • This formula is helpful for preparing the body and mind for birth.

Midwife Bethany and all North Texas Midwifery staff believe that labor is a natural biological function. We do not believe that all women need these options but since most women sit, drive, and have unnatural habits (through no fault of their own) helping to counteract that will only be helpful in achieving their goal of having a natural birth in the comfort of their own home, or at the birth center.

*All supplements can be purchased at the North Texas Midwifery office. This is for your convenience and does not result in financial gain for the North Texas Midwifery company or their staff.

NOTE: There is limited quality evidence on the safety or efficacy of these regimens, though they are supported by significant anecdotal wisdom. If you are interested in using one or more of these, please research them and discuss with your midwife before implementing.


NORA Herbal Infusions in Pregnancy


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