Our Services
We love to bring personal, safe, holistic care to women within an hour radius of Dallas-Fort Worth. Check out everything that we offer!
Preconception Care:
Preconception care is a time to experience the midwifery model of care while planning a pregnancy. Your whole health will be taken into consideration so that you can optimize your fertility and reach the goals you have for your family. Preconception visits include:
Evaluation of your medical and pregnancy history, current lifestyle, and future goals.
Nutritional counseling based on your needs, goals, and current symptoms and concerns.
Recommendations for supplements, botanical medicine, and other healing modalities for your particular health picture.
Referral to other providers including chiropractors, acupuncturists, body work, mental health professionals, and functional medicine practitioners to compliment your health goals.
A detailed list of all recommendations sent to you via email.
Home Birth:
Home birth is a wonderful option for many low-risk women desiring a natural birth with plenty of support. Our labor and birth services at home include:
Communication with your midwife as you near term and begin having signs of labor to determine when your midwife and her assistants should join you at home.
Monitoring of your well being and fetal well being through frequent assessment of your vital signs, fetal heart tones, and your comfort level through the entire labor, birth, and immediate postpartum period.
Labor support throughout labor and birth to help you reach your goal of having a natural birth at home. We encourage use of massage, hydrotherapy, and positional changes.
Use of herbs, homeopathics, essential oils, and other natural options, when needed.
A team of two birth assistants, who are trained in CPR, neonatal resuscitation, labor support, and treatment of emergencies, will assist your midwife during your labor and birth at home.
Assistance and preparation to reduce the likelihood of perineal lacerations/tearing at the time of birth.
Evaluation of the perineum after birth to determine if any tearing has occurred and suturing of first and second degree tears, if needed.
Immediate skin-to-skin contact after birth. Your baby is not separated from you at any time and skin-to-skin contact promotes bonding, breastfeeding, and stabilization of the baby’s temperature and breathing.
Delayed cord clamping to give your baby the best transition to life outside the womb
Herbal bath once mother and baby are stable to aid in bonding and healing
Comprehensive newborn examination
Breastfeeding support to help you have the best start in feeding your baby
Treatment of emergencies, if they arise and assistance and accompaniment to the hospital, if transport is needed. Your birth team will stay with you until you and baby are stable and no longer need our support.
IV fluids, IV antibiotics, and anti-hemorrhage medications if necessary
Erythromycin eye ointment and Vitamin K injection if desired or deemed necessary by parents
Set up and take down of all needed birth supplies. We clean your home so that the only sign of a birth taking place is your newborn in your arms!

Prenatal Care:
Prenatal is a time for us to build relationship and prepare for your healthiest pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Prenatal care with North Texas Midwifery includes:
Appointments at my office inside East Dallas Birth & Wellness.
Appropriate lab work, ultrasound, and risk assessment.
Nutritional, lifestyle, herbal, homeopathic, and other natural counseling are included in your appointments to help keep you and your baby healthy
All care is personal and tailored to your needs.
We love including children and family members in appointments!
Any necessary referrals for doctor or other health professionals are provided as necessary.
You have 24/7 access to your midwife in case of any emergency. She is available during business hours throughout your pregnancy for any non-emergency questions.
First Trimester:
- Your due date is estimated and we begin making a plan to have your healthiest birth in the location of your choice
- Appointments occur every month and include appropriate blood work, urinalysis, physical exam, history taking, risk assessment, and monitoring of blood pressure and other vital signs.
- Your physical discomforts and concerns are assessed to make sure you and your baby are healthy emotionally and physically
Second Trimester:
- Appointments continue every month until 28 weeks
- Anatomy Scan Ultrasound is scheduled at 20 weeks gestation
- Everything you need to know about screening for gestational diabetes is discussed at 24 weeks so you can make an informed decision about testing at 28 weeks
Third Trimester:
- Appointments occur every two weeks from 28 weeks to 36 weeks and every week from 36 weeks on
- Your baby is monitored for growth and well being including the baby’s position, at every visit.
- Screening for complications, including anemia, hypertension, and more continue throughout pregnancy
- Information on preparing for natural birth, planning for life with a newborn, and referrals to childbirth classes are included in your prenatal care package. You have full access to a lending library of books and DVDs to prepare for your birth.
Childbirth Education Classes
Childbirth education is included in all midwifery care packages at North Texas Midwifery. Both an online and in person component is offered and taught by our midwives.
Our childbirth education classes include 8-12 hours of online videos to be watched before our 3 hour, in person class.
Classes include information on nutrition, exercise, preparation for natural birth, prevention of emergencies, and stages of normal, physiological labor and birth.

Water Birth:
Water birth is a safe option for most women with many benefits including reduced experience of pain and increased satisfaction during their birth. Water birth is available at home births and births at freestanding birth centers and includes:
Water immersion during labor, if desired, and during the pushing phase and actual birth of the baby.
The baby is then brought to the surface of the water after he or she is born.
If a suitable tub is not available at your home, a birthing tub with all necessary equipment will be provided.
Your birth team will clean your built in tub, or the tub provided, before leaving your home.

Postpartum Care:
Postpartum care is the continued medical care and support that you receive through the first 12 weeks after birth. This includes:
24/7 access to your midwife for any emergent needs. She is available to you during business hours for any non-emergency questions or concerns.
Home visits for any care in the first two weeks postpartum and visits at home or the birth center for the rest of care in the postpartum period.
Visits typically occur at 36-72 hours, 3-5 days, 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks. More visits may occur, if necessary.
Each postpartum visit includes assessment of your well being and the baby’s well being through vital signs, physical exams, checking the baby’s weight gain, and thorough investigation of your overall health- emotionally and physically.
Breastfeeding and newborn feeding education and support
Ongoing screening and education on postpartum depression and referral to other health care professionals, when needed.
Metabolic newborn screen within 72 hours of birth and at 2 weeks postpartum.
Critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) screening for the newborn by 72 hours postpartum with pulse oximeter.
Any lab tests that may be indicated including testing for thyroid disease, vitamin d levels, or diabetes.
Pap smears may also be performed as indicated or desired.
Documentation of the birth and filing for the birth certificate and infant’s social security card.
Nutritional, lifestyle, herbal, homeopathic, and other natural counseling to support you and help you have your best postpartum period.
Discussion and education on all family planning options including the risks/benefits of each and referral for services, if needed. Your midwife can educate you on the use of natural family planning/ fertility awareness methods of prevention of pregnancy and/or fit you for a diaphragm or cervical cap if those are the best options for your family.
Referral to doctors and other health care professionals, when needed.
Birth Pool Rental:
Hydrotherapy and immersion into water during labor is a wonderful comfort technique that many women use to help them achieve their labor and birth goals. North Texas Midwifery offers birth pool rentals to families at a reasonable cost.
The birth pool kit is picked up from the North Texas Midwifery office inside East Dallas Birth & Wellness at 36 weeks of your pregnancy. Your birth pool rental is available to you from this time onward.
The kit includes everything you need for labor and birth in the water! The kit has detailed instructions with the birth pool, liner, hose, pump to inflate, net, connectors, and sump pump to remove the water.
Both La Bassine Original and Maxi size pools are available to rent.
After use, the hose is yours to keep and the liner and net are discarded.
The birth pool and remaining kit items are returned to the North Texas Midwifery office at your convenience, or by two weeks after your birth.
Our Service Range:
We serve within an hour radius of the Dallas-Fort Worth area!