Steps to Midwifery Online Study Group For Student Midwives!

If you know me, you know I love student midwives. What I really love is helping student midwives meet their goals and learn to practice midwifery with compassion, competence, and confidence. In this day and age, there are many pathways to becoming a midwife but there are also many challenges. The majority of student midwives are studying midwifery through distance academics while completing their clinical training in their area. There are little options for lecture or classroom time to learn midwifery.

While some students learn well through reading texts and gaining real world experience, I believe that comprehensive lecture, discussion, and case studies help students move forward with efficient comprehension.


The Steps to Midwifery Study Group on Facebook is meeting this need by offering weekly live classes on midwifery topics. Students can tune in for the live class, or watch the recorded class at their own convenience. Handouts are included for each class with links and recommended reading so that the student can study further on each topic.


Who is this group for?

  • Current students midwives, whether in a MEAC school, PEP, Nurse midwifery, or otherwise!

  • Current practicing midwives who may want to learn further on some topics!

  • People who are considering midwifery but not sure if it is for them!

  • Doulas and other birth workers who are considering furthering their education!

Past topics have included:

  • Postpartum Hemorrhage: Prevention, Recognition, and Management

  • Low Progesterone Management and Supplementation

  • Basic and Defensive Charting

  • Thyroid Disease Management in the Midwifery Model of Care

  • Writing Your Own Protocols

  • Becoming a Great Midwife’s Assistant

  • The Initial OB Visit: History, Physical Exam, Lab Work

  • Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: PIH, Pre-E, E, and HELLP

  • Preventing and Treating Pregnancy Complications with Natural Therapies: Polyhydramnios, Oligohydramnios, IUGR, PIH, PROM

  • Labor Prep and Natural Induction and Augmentation

  • Botanical Medicine and Homeopathics for Labor

  • Midwifery School Options: MEAC vs Non-accredited

  • Adrenal Fatigue and Burn Out

  • Preparing for the NARM exam

  • Coping with Traumatic Situations as a Student

  • The Midwifery Journey Continuum

Case Studies:

  • G1 Prolonged Labor Management

  • G8 Diastasis Recti, Pendulous Abdomen, Prolonged Labo

  • G1, 41 week homeopathic Induction and Cord Avulsion

  • G1 Uterine Fibroids, Severe Anemia, Transverse, Transfer of Care

  • G6P4 PROM, OP, 41 week, Water Birth

  • Primip 41.2 weeks Natural Induction and Augmentation

  • G5 Cord Prolapse and Resuscitation

Future topics include:

  • Interpreting Lab Work in Pregnancy

  • First Trimester Complications and Bleeding

  • Prodromal Labor Differential Diagnosis and Management

  • Monitoring Fetal Well Being in Labor

  • Learning Cervical Assessment and Pelvic Exams

  • All About Urine! Dipsticks, Urine Cultures, STIs

  • Homeopathy for Midwives

  • Building Your Business

  • Starting Your Midwifery Practice

  • Building Your Home Birth Kit

  • and more!

Group members may request topics!

To join and learn how to help women have healthy pregnancies and births through the midwifery model of care, visit this link to subscribe. Then, request to join the Facebook group.

You will be approved once your subscription is received.

Note: this is a monthly subscription with recurring payment of $15. All classes are recorded for members to view at any time.

See you in the group and Happy Studying!

Breanna Blocker

I own a design firm called Eloquence Creaytive where I design Squarespace sites, branding, product design, and more!

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