Renew Your Mind Around Birth

From a very young age, our culture inundates us with messages around labor and birth. The vast majority of these are negative and emphasize birth as a painful and traumatic event. For this reason, it is vital to replace these negative stereotypes with what labor and birth is actually like. Midwives know that labor is hard work but it is also empowering, sexual, and a normal event. Women that have easy births usually view their labor and birth as an ordinary day for their body. They go about their day seeing it an ordinary miracle that they are fully capable of. These books view birth in this way and we highly recommend you read as many as your time will allow to prepare for your best birth. Ask your midwife about her favorites and if you can borrow any from the lending library!

Many partners and husbands also have negative views and fears around birth. Share with your partner what is helping you prepare for birth so they know how to encourage you in labor. This book is also highly recommend for partners to read in preparation for accompanying their partner through labor and birth.


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