Folate and Women’s Health

Folate is also known as folacin and vitamin B9. This vitamin is responsible for many biological processes. It forms DNA and RNA, is involved in protein breakdown, and is essential for the breakdown of homocysteine. Without folate, we could not form healthy red blood cells. Folate is probably most known for proper development of the neural tube, which results in the brain and spinal cord. You may have heard that taking folate, or the synthetic form, folic acid, helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida. 

Folic acid is the synthetic version of B9 and can cause harm to those with some genetic mutations. For this reason, it is not recommended to consume folic acid. The whole food, or methylated folate should be prioritized instead. 

Folate at a dose of 400 micrograms is recommended to be taken daily for 3 months prior to conception. Needs increase during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding, so 600 mcg per day is recommended for those women. For many of us, this means daily consumption through our childbearing years; because, while not always planned, conception could occur when we least expect it. All other adults need about 200 micrograms of folate per day.

Interestingly, folate is not stored in the body, so it is imperative this vitamin be consumed daily. 

The best food sources for folate include the following:

  • Beef Liver: 215 mcg / 3 oz

  • Pastured Eggs: 64 mcg / egg

  • Orange: 55 mcg / large, whole

  • Beets: 70 mcg / 0.5 cup

  • Spinach, boiled: 131 mcg / half cup

Supplement options:

  • Life Blud Energy+ for B complex with methylated folate / B9:

  • Beef Liver capsules: Recommended brands include Ancestral Supplements, Heart & Soil, Smidge, Trace Minerals, Perfect Supplements (read fine print to see amount of folate in dose, which is usually 6 capsules)

Prenatal vitamins with 600+ mcg folate:


Vitamins and minerals - B vitamins and folic acid - NHS

Folate - Health Professional Fact Sheet

Eat Your Prenatal


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